Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Lady Porn? WTF?

Here's the jump point, Katie Baker wrote an article for Jezebel about Porn for women go look...

I don't always agree with the writers of Jezebel articles but for once I do. Lady porn isn't a real thing. I enjoy porn now and then. Hentai comics are my favorite but I also enjoy victorian erotica, and believe it or not Sacher-Masoc's Venus in Furs, Ann Rice's Beauty series, the Man with a Maid Omnibus, lesbian erotica (for example Tipping the Velvet). Would I live out those stories in real life? Not really but that isn't what porn is about. Erotica and it's harder core cousin are about fantasy and to assume women don't have them would be silly. We are sexual creatures and have always been. Repressed sometimes, deviant sometimes, but most women who are having normal regular sex fantasize. It didn't start with the appalling and amateur 50 shades either. For mainstream media (as in the article) to assume that women have suddenly discovered porn is a gross underestimation of the gender.

Here is something else that bothered me, in the comments someone referred to it as mommy porn. The very typing of such a moniker makes me feel a bit queasy. There is no such thing. Mommy is not what I want to think about when I'm preparing for one on one time with my "support group."

I often think about the movie Exit to Eden. One of the main female characters is asked what fantasy can be fulfilled for her. She said "Paint my house". There is a cute little book with a tongue in cheek jest along these lines called Porn for Women. You can buy it on Amazon. In fact they have a whole series and it is a fun sort of bridal gift or something to pass around the office. Cute guys cleaning, I'm in! But I would also be the type to wet my underpants watching my Mad Science build something, or do yard work. Is this what I think about when having personal time? Nope. I am thinking about tentacles, and no I didn't misspell it.

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