Thursday, January 10, 2013


Ok I am sick and tired of all this fighting, polarization, and stupid arguing about who is right. You know what I mean. Politics, religion, guns or no guns, who has a right to the use of a woman's body. I know duality is the paradigm but I am sick to my eyeballs.

Men are people with feelings, ideas, and needs. They have their own challenges and difficulties. While the old paradigm of male/female dynamics has been heavily weighted toward men it was not without a huge price.

Women are also people with feelings, ideas, and needs. They have their own challenges and difficulties. While the old way seems to have protected and taken care of women in many ways it has also come at an intolerable price.

I am not a "male apologist" I just know a lot of good men. Not all men are rapists. Period. A disproportionate number may seem to be but remember that rapists are prolific and they don't put good guys on the news.

Married stay at home wives and mothers are not prostitutes. Feminists, I know you won't agree. I know you think if I don't make every effort to support myself, and prove I can do it all, I am the wrong kind of woman. Now guys, I know about gold diggers but they are usually selfish immature women who have an entitlement complex there are men like that. Not all women who want to stay home and bake cookies are gold diggers. We are also not your mothers. It's not our job to manage your life and give you everything you want... including sex. We don't owe it to you, no is still no, even if you think you "bought the cow".

Not all liberals are wrong, stupid, or socialist. Not all Republicans are religious fanatic thieves.
Hyperbole and generalization are the job of sensationalist 24/7 media and do not reflect real life in all it's wonderful diversity. Before you say it think about how angry it would make you if someone said it of you. Be Kind and Be Human. Thank you.

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