Sunday, December 30, 2012

Lights Out

We finally, as of last night, have power again. Christmas day we returned from Mad Science's parents in the rain, the temperature dropping like a stone. It looked like the weather man was right, there might indeed be snow. As the day progressed each hour brought more frozen precipitation and finally snow. Around Five we were minding our own business hanging out when we the lights flickered, there was an explosion, and the lights went off then on again. Another explosion, off then on again, a third and off. Our only source of potential heat was the gas fireplace which was in bad need of repair so Mad Science rebuilt the gas burner and we had fire around midnight. We slept in the living room floor on the futon and it was a fitful restless night.

Determined not to let the cold beat us the next day he went in search of a natural gas heater to hook up to the gas cock where the repaired burner in the fireplace had been added. He returned home triumphant and the little thing heated the great room to a normal temperature and we slept much better on the next nights.

Thursday, I had a very brief visit from Prof who, after a difficult experience with his parents decided to go back home. His apartment had power and oddly, though north of us, no snow. The Engineer texted and extended help. And the Pussycat called and admonished us on safety issues.

Friday my nephews came and spent the day with me as the roads had cleared enough to put Mad Science back to work and my sister was still without power.

Saturday we decided to honor the promise to Mad Sci's bro and go see the Hobbit's first installment. We of course had to see it in 3d at 48p which I liked. It had a hyperreal feel like British television in the seventies. You know the video film at 29.9 fps. The 3d didn't make a lot of difference though many of us did duck flying debris at some points in the movie. I thought they treated it well in spite of the nagging purist criticism it had already received from our nit picky friends, it was very much the spirit of Tolkien.
Being in a great deal of pain after the day we had it was a relief to have power back on around supper time. I slept off and on while my body did it's important healing business and this morning is looking calm and normal again. Now it's time to reboot.

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