Thursday, November 22, 2012

A little thank you goes a long way.

As it's thanksgiving here in the States I thought I would talk a little about thank you in our poly pond. Thank you is more than just a thing you say when you get what you want. It isn't an auto response when getting your way. A real honest thank you is a moment of appreciation of another person for something they have done. I can clean house for myself all day but it makes the job easier if Mad Sci or Prof say they appreciate it whether it's directly said or that grateful sigh of comfort when they come into a clean space.

Gratitude is also active at my house. Mad Sci shows it by building stuff or doing a load of laundry or dishes. I show it by getting up a little early and fixing him some cocoa or breakfast. I may make a special effort text little love notes during the day. In daily life it's so easy to tell instead of ask and to acknowledge rather than thank. A tiny thing that makes a huge impact. So the next time you see someone do something nice, even if it's not for you, thank them.

I must go to my source families house and thank them by eating the lovely food they have worked so hard to prepare. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

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